1 hours read. My personal reasoning on this (as a non-Muslim) is that it should apply to Muslims, and that as they have left the faith and are, resultantly . Although apostasy is punishable by death in Iran, the Islamic Republic has never codified the crime of apostasy. Regarding the death penalty for apostasy. Penalties for abandoning one's faith also tend to vary depending on the country. In Italy, the maximum penalty for blasphemy is three years in prison for non-Muslims. With the. apostasy and apostasy punishable by death Saudi Arabia has criminal statutes that prohibit a Muslim from changing religion or renounced Islam. Blasphemy is punishable by death in Iran, Pakistan . References 1. Under the law, a child born to a Muslim father is Muslim. The question really is "why should not believing in any religion be punished by a state?"The answer is that any 'State' that does punish 'apostasy' must be afraid that if their citizens were allowed to choose whether to believe the given religion or believe in any other religion, that may lead to lessening of the power of the state to control the people. With the exception of a very few earlier Arabs who accepted the Prophet as the Messenger of Allah , the majority of people of Makkah opposed him, humiliated him, cursed or blasphemed him or even tried to kill him . Where are these countries getting their information? Japan. Blasphemy is also a capital offense in Afghanistan, the report explains, and "an Islamic judge may impose a . Examining the significant challenges the punishment of apostasy faces in the modern period inside and outside Muslim communities - exploring in particular how apostasy and its punishment is dealt with in a multi-religious Muslim majority country, Malaysia, and the challenges and difficulties it faces there - the authors discuss arguments by . Now let's think about the objections Muslims bring in response. However, in at least 10 countries around the world 'apostasy', which is the act of leaving religion, is punishable by death. However, it is imperative that apostasy and 'religious insult' are both decriminalized in full. With the exception of Pakistan, apostasy is punishable in these countries by death. Pakistan doesn't have a death sentence for apostasy, but it does for "blasphemy" and the threshold for blasphemy is very low. The offence can carry a death penalty. Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen are the relevant countries. Expression of core Humanist principles on democracy, freedom and human rights is brutally repressed. Other punishments prescribed by Islamic law include the annulment of marriage with a Muslim spouse, the removal of children and the loss of all property and . Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Brunei, Mauritania, and Saudi Arabia are among the countries that impose the death penalty for blasphemy and apostasy. apostasy is defined as apostasy and punishable by death. Apostasy is the act of leaving a religion, either to convert to another religion, or to atheism, deism, or agnosticism . It is punishable by death in Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, UAE, and Yemen and a criminal offence in many more Muslim-majority countries. In fact, 19 countries punish their citizens for apostasy, and in 12 of those countries it is punishable by death. Islamist author Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi argued that verses [Quran 9:11] of the Qur'an sanction death for apostasy. Such sentences, though, appear to be rare . Axar.az reports according to the annual Freedom of Thought report by the International Humanist and Ethical Union, 13 countries impose capital punishment upon people simply for their beliefs, or lack of them.. Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania . But now, Iran wants to make the death penalty for apostasy part of the penal code. The countries that impose these penalties are Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. In Morocco, there are more than 325 while in Egypt there are more than 40, and death sentences have . Apostasy is considered a capital crime in both Saudi Arabia and Iran. Sura 4:89 states: The latest one states that apostasy in Malaysia is not punishable by death despite some of its provinces having such provisions, as it is contrary to the federal law. Apostasy. Date/Time Thumbnail Dimensions User Comment; current: 09:27, 24 July 2019 (1.43 MB) MonsterHunter32 (talk | contribs): The map is derived from Freedom Thought Report. The countries that impose these penalties are Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. It includes not only explicit renunciations of the Islamic faith by converting to another religion or abandoning religion altogether, but also blasphemy or heresy, through any . Article 126 of the Sudanese Criminal Code makes conversion from Islam apostasy punishable by death. The study's interactive map gives a good, broad . Apostasy in Islam is punishable by death. In Yemen, there are some 360 crimes punishable by death including adultery and prostitution. Sharia as interpreted by the government considers conversion from Islam apostasy, a crime punishable by death. With the. Hudud Crimes In Yemen, as in other Islamic countries, the act of denouncing Islam is not just seen as a crime in itself, but as an attack against the state and an act of undermining the government. The Freedom of Thought Report 2021 found that "apostasy" is punishable with death in at least ten countries; Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Yemen. Meaning, in these countries you can be put to death for leaving the religion of Islam for another faith or becoming an atheist: Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen are the relevant countries. Refer to the "How we did this" box to view the full list of countries with blasphemy and apostasy laws as of 2019. Tramp +23. 2017. In the Syariah (Sharia) Penal Code 2013, which came into full force in 2019, Section 112 of states that a Muslim who declares himself non-Muslim (an apostate) commits a crime punishable by death if proved by two witnesses or confession . In thirteen countries there were either penal or civil penalties like jail time, fine or even losing child's custody. And in these countries the punishment for apostasyleaving the faithis often death. All of these countries, except Pakistan, allow for capital punishment against apostasy, while Pakistan imposes the death penalty for blasphemy - including a disbelief in God. Many other countries, while not outlawing people of different religions, or no religion, forbid leaving the state religion. 28.02.2008, 18.38 Uhr From this perspective can one understand why it is islamic countries that punish apostasy, since this could hinder the righteous nation and . However, scholars such as S. A. Rahman reject Mawdudi's interpretation, concluding "that not only is there no punishment for apostasy provided in the Book but that the Word of God clearly envisages the natural death of the apostate. In other countries, repressive measures have been taken in response to the increased presence of atheism on social media. Independent, Qur'an. With the exception of Pakistan, those countries all allow for capital punishment against apostasy, i.e., the renunciation of a particular religion. With the exception of Pakistan, those countries all allow for capital punishment against apostasy, i.e., the renunciation of a particular religion. Pakistan, meanwhile, imposes the death penalty for blasphemy, which can obviously include disbelief in God. Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia has no penal code, the Sharia function as the law of the land. As recently as one month ago in Sudan, a group of men, including three teenagers, was accused of apostasy for following the wrong version of Islam. By and large, the victims of these apostasy laws are women. Examples of punishment by death for apostates can be seen under the Sharia law found in certain Islamic countries. "Apostasy Punishable By Death: Top Adhaalath Scholar," by Judith Evans in Minivan News, May 13 (thanks to Arabiguitar): The leader of the religious Adhaalath party scholars" council has said he advocates the death penalty for those who convert from Islam to another religion, as well as amputation of hands for certain types of theft. It is an offence to abandon one's Islamic faith. . Sudan, United Arab Emirates and ; Yemen. Yemen: The crime of apostasy may be subject to the death penalty by virtue of Article 12 of the Yemen Penal Code of 1994, as amended by Law 24 of 2006, which identifies crimes, including apostasy, that are punished according to the provisions of Islamic Sharia. Japan is one of the countries with death penalty where it is absolutely a legalized form of punishment. All of these countries, except Pakistan, allow for capital punishment against apostasy, while Pakistan imposes the death penalty for blasphemy - including a disbelief in God. Venezuela has the highest violent crime rate by far, and there is no capital punishment, with South Africa has the 2nd most violent crime rate and NO capital punishment. In Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, and Nigeria, violations of blasphemy laws can carry the possibility of the death penalty. World Day Against the Death Penalty, IHR released its findings on the country's use of capital punishment. Sweeping reforms to Sudan's 1991 Penal Code have been passed into law, including the removal of the death penalty for apostasy.Previously, Sudan was one of only 14 countries to impose capital punishment for leaving Islam and was ranked as the ninth worst country in the world for its treatment of the non-religious by Humanists International's 2019 Freedom of Thought Report. IslamOnline. The European Union is concerned and has asked Iran to reconsider. The 13 countries where it is prohibited to renounce Islam are Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Today apostasy is punishable by death in the countries of Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Qatar, Yemen, Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan and Mauritania. The study's interactive map gives a good, broad . Apostasy in Islam is punishable by death. In Algeria, people who convert from Islam to another religion are unable to receive inheritances. The seven laws of Noah seen by Judaism as applicable to all of the humankind prohibits blasphemy. September 25, 2014. The countries that impose these penalties are Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. 1."It's the equivalent of the death penalty for high treason". Federal crimes like murder and treason are the only crimes for which capital punishment is statutory and is ordinarily imposed in cases of multiple murders involving aggravating factors. With the exception of Pakistan, apostasy is punishable in these countries by death. Obviously it is well established that in many countries traditionally ruled by Islamic law that a death penalty applies to apostates converting away from Islam. In thirteen countries there were either penal or civil penalties like jail time, fines or even losing a child's custody. Freedom of expression advocacy of humanist values. Thirteen countries have the death penalty for apostasy, namely Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Mauritania, Maldives, Pakistan, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. The 13 countries where it is prohibited to renounce Islam are Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. WorldAtlas.com. 10. 'However since 1971 no punishment for apostasy has been recorded.' Freedom of Thought Report. As of 2014, about a quarter of the world's countries and territories (26%) had anti-blasphemy laws or policies, of which 13 nations, all Muslim-majority, have death penalty for apostasy. 'Apostasy is criminalized and mandates a death penalty. Saudi Arabia: In the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, apostasy is heavily frowned upon by the law. In Christian theology, the Gospel of Mark 3:29 describes blaspheming the holy spirit as unforgivable eternal sin. Of 71 countries that criminalize blasphemy, 32 are majority Muslim. 'Apostasy' or conversion from a specific religion is outlawed and punishable by death. The majority of executions for non-lethal crimes in Saudi Arabia are for drug related offences which are not mandatorily punishable by death according to the authorities . The countries that have repealed blasphemy laws in the past five years are Norway, Iceland, Malta, the Alsace-Moselle region of France, Denmark, Canada, New Zealand and Greece. The latest one states that apostasy in Malaysia is not punishable by death despite some of its provinces having such provisions, as it is contrary to the federal law. Still going by the Qur'an, whether fear is a reasonable or acceptable attitude to expect of Muslims towards non-believers and non-Muslims is not particularl. In Algeria, people who convert from Islam to another religion are unable to receive inheritances.In 2019, Brunei implemented a law that allows death sentences for apostasy from Islam. In some theocratic countries apostasy is punishable by death. These countries are: Afghanistan, Brunei Darussalam, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Answer (1 of 2): The short answer is that the Qur'an supports that punishment in very clear terms, despite the often mentioned Surah 2:256. Article 125 classifies blasphemy as a crime. There are now 11 countries in the world where apostasy is punishable by death, violating the fundamental right to freedom of religion or belief, which includes the right to leave a religion. Conversion, or apostasy, is also a crime under Afghanistan's Islamic law and is punishable by death. At a time when the world is heading towards . Allah. Thus, in effect atheism is punishable by death in 13 countries. n.d. Should an Apostate be Killed? 50 Al-Qaraw explains that there is no punishment for an individual's .